JavaScript Method Modification

Aspect Oriented Function Composition

webtechconf - Munich, October 30th 2013 - Peter Seliger / @petsel

Frontend Engineer at XING AG


  • Method Modification/Modifiers - Why?
  • Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) in JavaScript - Why?
  • Basic Method Modifiers vs True Aspect Oriented Systems.
  • Questions / Live Demo
  • Thoughts about how to adopt the Principles of AOP to JavaScripts Dynamic and Functional Nature.
  • Joinpoint, Pointcut, Advice and Aspect from a JavaScript Point of View.
  • Additional Features that could be provided.
  • API of an already operating AO System (sneak preview).

Method Modification/Modifiers

Method Modification/Modifiers - Why?

  • There are cases where one does not own the code of a method that's functionality has to be modified ...
  • e.g. enriching an existing implementation with additional behavior and influencing the control flow of this new function composition.
  • This is the point one is in need of a set of basic AOP inspired method modifiers like
    • Function.prototype[before|after|around]
  • Also if one uses Function Based Object/Type Composition patterns like Traits and Mixins ...
  • with implementations that introduce competing methods,
  • resolving conflicts can be handled easier by such modifiers.
Method Modification/Modifiers - Why?
example - enriching an existing implementation with additional behavior and influencing its control flow.

var requestBasketUpdate = function (evt, onSuccess) {

    control   =,
    form      = control.form


    cache    : false,
    url      : form.action,
    type     : form.method.toUpperCase(),
    data     : $(form).serialize(),
    dataType : "text",

    success  : onSuccess.before(
    ).after(function () {
      timeoutIdMiniBasket = set_timeout(hideMiniBasket, 60000);

    error: reloadCurrentPage

Method Modification/Modifiers



Function.prototype.before = function (behaviorBefore, target) {
  var proceedAfter = this;

  return function () {
    var args = arguments;

    behaviorBefore.apply(target, args);
    return proceedAfter.apply(target, args);

var hi = function () {console.log("hi");};
var ho = function () {console.log("ho");};

hi(); // "hi"
ho(); // "ho"

var hohi = hi.before(ho);
var hiho = ho.before(hi);

hohi(); // "ho", "hi"
hiho(); // "hi", "ho"

Method Modification/Modifiers



Function.prototype.after = function (behaviorAfter, target) {
  var proceedBefore = this;

  return function () {
    var args = arguments;

    proceedBefore.apply(target, args);
    return behaviorAfter.apply(target, args);

var he = function () {console.log("he");};

he(); // "he"
ho(); // "ho"

var heho = he.after(ho);
var hohe = ho.after(he);

heho(); // "he", "ho"
hohe(); // "ho", "he"

Method Modification/Modifiers



Function.prototype.around = function (behaviorAround, target) {
  var proceedEnclosed = this;

  return function () {
    return, proceedEnclosed,
                behaviorAround, arguments, target);

var hehiho = hi.around(function (proceed, around, args, target) {


  console.log("proceed : ", proceed);
  console.log("around : ", around);
  console.log("args : ", args);
  console.log("target : ", target);

  console.log("this : ", this);

hehiho("t", "e", "s", "t");

// he
// hi
// ho
// proceed :  function () {console.log("hi");}
// around :  function (proceed, around, args, target) {
// he();
// proceed();
// ho();
// console.log("proceed : ", proceed);
// console.log("around : ", around);
// console.log("args : ", args);
// console.log("target : ", target);
// console.log("this : ", this);
// }
// args :  ["t", "e", "s", "t"]
// target :  undefined
// this : Window {top: Window, window: Window, location: Location, external: Object, chrome: Object…}


Aspect Oriented Programming in JavaScript

Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) in JavaScript - Why?

Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) in JavaScript - Why?

Basic Modifiers vs True AO Systems

  • Pure Method Modifying ...
  • relies on direct access to every possible modifiable method.
  • needs to be done explicitly for every identified method .
  • lacks abstraction for the 2 last mentioned shortcomings.
    • Thus making modularized code reuse of additionally to be wrapped behavior not that handy.
  • is an appealing approach for less complex tasks.
  • should be seen as pre-stage for AO Systems that have to provide both abstraction and support for better code reuse.
Live Demo
Aspect Oriented Programming in JavaScript

Thoughts about how to adopt the Principles of AOP to JavaScripts Dynamic and Functional Nature

  • runtime based only and not using any kind of JavaScript "transpilers" or JavaScript build tools for "code weaving" as in e.g. AspectJ.
  • thus being forced focusing on what ES3 language core does provide.
Thoughts about how to adopt the Principles of AOP to JavaScripts Dynamic and Functional Nature
  • implementation of prototypal method modifiers e.g. around, before, after, afterThrowing, afterReturning, as kind of a minimal AOP influenced base set that already supports library (framework) agnostic modification of function based control flow by just wrapping additional behaviors (advice handlers) around existing methods(functions).
  • clarify role of Joinpoint, Pointcut, Advice and Aspect; especially from this point of view of what makes them distinct from existing approaches in compiled and/or non dynamic and/or non functional programming languages.
Thoughts about how to adopt the Principles of AOP to JavaScripts Dynamic and Functional Nature
example code (will be explained)

// [VariationsController] depended method modification
SubmitController.isAnyToSubmit = SubmitController.isAnyToSubmit
  .around(function (isAnyToSubmit, interceptor, args, target) {

    var evt = args[0];
    evt.isColorChanged = true;

    return, evt); // proceed

// [SubmitController] specific functionality
SubmitController.isAnyToSubmit = function (evt) {
  var isChecked =
    || sizeRadioInputs.toArray().some(function (elm/*, idx, arr*/) {

      return elm.checked;
  if (isChecked) {
    ... submit specific stuff ...
  return isChecked;

Thoughts about how to adopt the Principles of AOP to JavaScripts Dynamic and Functional Nature


  • A Joinpoint in JavaScript always needs to feature both a method that is bound to an object and this very object itself (regardless of either this couple is locally scoped or not). One might even think about a label that optionally gets assigned to a joinpoint.
  • Thus a joinpoint will be constructed at least from a method's name and this method's target object.

/*var jpIsAnyToSubmit = */ao.Joinpoint.add({
  target      : SubmitController
  methodName  : "isAnyToSubmit",
//label       : "controllers.SubmitController.isAnyToSubmit",

Thoughts about how to adopt the Principles of AOP to JavaScripts Dynamic and Functional Nature


  • A Pointcut in JavaScript always should be able to return a collection of joinpoints that are filtered according to certain criteria.
  • Thus a pointcut explicitly will be constructed from its filter method.

var pcIsAnyToSubmit = ao.Pointcut.add({
//id      : "isAnyToSubmit", // if omitted UUID will be generated
  filter  : function (jp) {
    return (jp.getMethodName() == "isAnyToSubmit");

  //return (jp.getLabel().indexOf("...") >= 0);
  //return (jp.getTarget() === ...);

Thoughts about how to adopt the Principles of AOP to JavaScripts Dynamic and Functional Nature


  • An Advice in JavaScript always should feature both a method that defines behavior (or could be seen as advice handler) and a named qualifier or type.
  • Thus an advice will be constructed from a qualifier and a method that gets associated with that qualifier.

var avColorChangedVariant = ao.Advice.add({
//id      : "colorChangedVariant", // if omitted UUID will be generated
  type    : "around",
  handler : function (proceed, handler, args, target/*, joinpoint*/) {
    var evt = args[0];
    evt.isColorChanged = true;
    return, evt);

Thoughts about how to adopt the Principles of AOP to JavaScripts Dynamic and Functional Nature


  • An Aspect in JavaScript needs to feature just a sole function that enables folding of advices and pointcuts within it's function body.
  • Thus an aspect has to be constructed from a callback function that's first argument is a method that links advices to pointcuts and that's second argument references the AO System itself.

var asColorChangedVariant = ao.Aspect.add({
//id      : "colorChangedVariant", // if omitted UUID will be generated
  handler : function (linkAdviceToPointcut, ao) {
    linkAdviceToPointcut(avColorChangedVariant, pcIsAnyToSubmit);

Thoughts about how to adopt the Principles of AOP to JavaScripts Dynamic and Functional Nature

Additional Notes

  • In order to take advantage of JavaScripts dynamic nature it should be allowed to alter the whole system's control flow at any time from any point e.g.
    • advices do alter the system's control flow just by calling one of every advices two methods either confirm or deny.
    • add or remove joinpoints, pointcuts, advices regardless of how many aspects are currently confirmed or denied.
    • switching the whole AO System off and on again.
Thoughts about how to adopt the Principles of AOP to JavaScripts Dynamic and Functional Nature


( just in order to get a glimpse of its API )

var ao = require("") // aspect oriented system

// static properties

ao.Joinpoint                // [Object] // module
ao.Pointcut                 // [Object] // module
ao.Advice                   // [Object] // module
ao.Aspect                   // [Object] // module

// static methods

ao.isOff                    // [Function]:true|false
ao.isOn                     // [Function]:true|false                      // [Function]:void
ao.on                       // [Function]:void
ao.reboot                   // [Function]:void

ao.Joinpoint.add            // [Function]:[Joinpoint]|undefined|false
ao.Joinpoint.remove         // [Function]:[Joinpoint]|undefined|false
ao.Joinpoint.isJoinpoint    // [Function]:true|false
ao.Joinpoint.isJoinpointLike// [Function]:true|false

ao.Pointcut.getById         // [Function]:[Pointcut]|undefined
ao.Pointcut.add             // [Function]:[Pointcut]|undefined|false
ao.Pointcut.remove          // [Function]:[Pointcut]|undefined|false
ao.Pointcut.isPointcut      // [Function]:true|false
ao.Pointcut.isPointcutLike  // [Function]:true|false

ao.Advice.getById           // [Function]:[Advice]|undefined
ao.Advice.add               // [Function]:[Advice]|undefined|false
ao.Advice.remove            // [Function]:[Advice]|undefined|false
ao.Advice.isAdvice          // [Function]:true|false
ao.Advice.isAdviceLike      // [Function]:true|false

ao.Aspect.getById           // [Function]:[Aspect]|undefined
ao.Aspect.add               // [Function]:[Aspect]|undefined|false
ao.Aspect.remove            // [Function]:[Aspect]|undefined|false
ao.Aspect.isAspect          // [Function]:true|false
ao.Aspect.isAspectLike      // [Function]:true|false

// instance methods

var jp = ao.Joinpoint.add(/*config:{

  target      :[Object],    // required
  methodName  :string,      // required
//label       :string       // optional

}*/);                       // :[Joinpoint]|undefined|false

jp.getLabel                 // [Function]:string
jp.getTarget                // [Function]:[Object]
jp.getMethodName            // [Function]:string
jp.getBaseMethod            // [Function]:[Function]
jp.equals                   // [Function]:true|false

var pc = ao.Pointcut.add(/*config{

//id      :string,          // if omitted UUID will be generated
  filter  :[Function]       // a joinpoint filter is required

}*/);                       // :[Pointcut]|undefined|false

pc.getId                    // [Function]:string
pc.getFilter                // [Function]:[Function]
pc.getJoinpoints            // [Function]:[Array:[Joinpoint]]
pc.equals                   // [Function]:true|false

var av = ao.Advice.add(/*config{

//id      :string,          // if omitted UUID will be generated
  type    :string,          // required: valid quantifier / type
  handler :[Function]       // required: behavior / advice handler

}*/);                       // :[Advice]|undefined|false

av.getId                    // [Function]:string
av.getType                  // [Function]:string("after"..."before")
av.getHandler               // [Function]:[Function]
av.equals                   // [Function]:true|false

var as = ao.Aspect.add(/*config{

//id      :string,          // if omitted UUID will be generated
  handler :[Function]       // required: "callback" function that
                            //           links advices to pointcuts

}*/);                       // :[Aspect]|undefined|false

as.getId                    // [Function]:string
as.getHandler               // [Function]:[Function]
as.getLinkList              // [Function]:[Array:[Advice][Pointcut]]
as.isReconfirm              // [Function]:true|false
as.isConfirmed              // [Function]:true|false
as.isDenied                 // [Function]:true|false
as.confirm                  // [Function]:void
as.deny                     // [Function]:void
as.equals                   // [Function]:true|false


Thank You

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