
low level abstraction, module based, code reuse patterns (function based Traits, Mixins) intended for reflecting the basics before starting with more complex meta programming approaches.

View the Project on GitHub petsel/javascript-code-reuse-patterns


Every now and again it happened and still does that JavaScript programming individuals each on their own discover this languages capability for - what then mostly gets referred to as - "functional or function based mixins". Most of them understand in this very moment the impact of theirs discovery in means of working with a different design approach for theirs future project architectures and code bases (modularisation, code recycling, creating types, generating type/object systems). But how does it come?

JavaScript is a delegation language. This languages core features are all about Object and Function and closures as much as about call and apply ... and yes about prototype too. Do value the last mentioned but don't adore it blindly. Delegation in JavaScript already happens implicitly when the prototype chain is walked in order to e.g. find a method that might be related to but is not directly owned by an object. Once the method was found it gets called within this objects context. Thus inheritance in JavaScript is covered by a delegation automatism that is bound to the prototype slot of constructor functions.

But almost from its beginning JavaScript has been capable of delegating a function or a method directly to an object that has need of it via call or apply. Thus introducing an object composition pattern based on functional TRAIT/MIXIN modules. This knowledge then repeatedly drives articles/discussions - also the most recent one that right now already has aggregated into a project.

But before using such smart approaches it might be helpful to have a look into function based code reuse patterns that do rely only on JavaScript's module pattern and therefore can be considered to be still free of any kind of meta programming.