JavaScript Code Reuse Patterns

Function Based Object/Type Composition

berlin.js - October 17th - Peter Seliger / @petsel


  • JavaScript - A Delegation Language.
  • Implicit and Explicit Behavior Delegation.
  • Definition Of Role, Trait and Mixin.
  • Function based Trait and Mixin Modules.
  • Real World Examples.


  • establish a generally accepted set of terms.
  • accentuate the importance of state.
  • encourage usage of function based Trait and Mixin patterns.
  • discourage usage of object based [LibraryName].extends approaches.

Delegation Language.

Delegation Language.

  • Its core features are all about Object and Function and closures ...
  • as much as about call and apply, ...
  • and yes, about prototype too.
  • Do value the last mentioned ...
  • but don't adore it blindly.

Delegation Language.

  • Delegation in JavaScript already happens implicitly when the prototype chain is walked in order to e.g. find a method that might be related to but is not directly owned by an object.
  • Once the method was found it gets called within this objects context.
  • Thus inheritance in JavaScript is covered by a delegation automatism that is bound to the prototype slot of constructor functions.

Delegation Language.

  • But almost from its beginning JavaScript has been capable of delegating a function or a method directly to an object that has need of it via call or apply.
  • Thus introducing an object composition pattern based on functional TRAIT/MIXIN modules.

Roles, Traits and Mixins.

Roles, Traits and Mixins.


Roles, Traits and Mixins.

SCG Trait (very briefly)

  • is a container for a stateless implemented method or for a collection of stateless implemented methods.
  • or could be seen as an incomplete class without state (properties/members/fields) ...
  • but with behavior (methods).
Roles, Traits and Mixins.

Similar Concepts (kind of)

  • »Self« in a historic approach acknowledges stateful traits.
  • Roles in »Perl 6« as well as in the »Perl 5« based »Moose«-Framework are allowed to be stateful too.
  • Roles are also supported by the »Joose«-Framework, a »Moose« inspired JavaScript Meta-Object System created by Malte Ubl / @cramforce.
  • »Ruby« has Mixins.
Roles, Traits and Mixins in JS.


Any function object that is a container for at least one public behavior or acts as collection of more than one public behavior and is intended to neither being invoked by the call operator »()« nor with the »new« operator but always should be applied to objects by invoking one of the [Function]s call methods - either [call] or [apply] - is considered to be a Role.
Roles, Traits and Mixins in JS.


A purely stateless implementation of a Role should be called Trait.
Roles, Traits and Mixins in JS.


pattern example

var Trait = (function () {

    behavior_01 = function () {
      // implementation of behavior.
    behavior_02 = function () {
      // implementation of behavior.
  var Trait = function () {
    // stateless trait implementation.
    var compositeType = this;

    compositeType.behavior_01 = behavior_01;
    compositeType.behavior_02 = behavior_02;

  return Trait;


// usage.
var obj = {
  // object description.
};; // [obj] now features additional behavior applied by [Trait].

Roles, Traits and Mixins in JS.


example - Enumerable_first_last

var Enumerable_first_last = (function () {

    first = function () {
      return this[0];
    last = function () {
      return this[this.length - 1];
  return function () {

    this.first = first;
    this.last = last;

  allListItems = document.getElementsByTagName("li"),
  allSections = document.getElementsByTagName("section")

console.log("allListItems", [allListItems, (allListItems[0] === allListItems.first()), (allListItems[allListItems.length - 1] === allListItems.last())]);
console.log("allSections", [allSections, (allSections[0] === allSections.first()), (allSections[allSections.length - 1] === allSections.last())]);;

console.log('["1st", "2nd", "3rd"].first()', ["1st", "2nd", "3rd"].first());
console.log('["first", "second", "third"].last()', ["first", "second", "third"].last());

Array.prototype.last = null;
Array.prototype.first = null;

console.log('["1st", "2nd", "3rd"].first', ["1st", "2nd", "3rd"].first);
console.log('["first", "second", "third"].last', ["first", "second", "third"].last);

Roles, Traits and Mixins in JS.

Privileged Trait

An implementation of a Role that relies on additionally injected state but does only read and never does mutate it should be called Privileged Trait.
Roles, Traits and Mixins in JS.

Privileged Trait

pattern example

var PrivilegedTrait = (function () {

    behavior_02 = function () {
      // e.g. implementation of behavior.
      return "behavior_02";
  var PrivilegedTrait = function (injectedReadOnlyState) {
    var compositeType = this;

    compositeType.behavior_01 = function () {
        implementation of behavior is not allowed
        to mutate [injectedReadOnlyState] but shall
        only read it.

        nevertheless if [injectedReadOnlyState] was
        a reference it still could be mutable but only
        remotely from outside this trait modules scope.
      return injectedReadOnlyState;
    compositeType.behavior_02 = behavior_02;

  return PrivilegedTrait;


// usage.
var obj = {
  // object description.
};, "injectedReadOnlyState"); // [obj] now features additional behavior applied by [PrivilegedTrait].

Roles, Traits and Mixins in JS.

Privileged Trait

example - Allocable

var Allocable = (function () {

  var makeArray = (function (proto_slice) {
    return function (listType) {


  return function (list) {
    var allocable = this;

    allocable.valueOf = allocable.toArray = function () {
        return makeArray(list);
    allocable.toString = function () {
      return ("" + list);
    allocable.size = function () {
      return list.length;

var Queue = function () {

    queue = this,
    list = [],

    onEnqueue = function (type) {
      queue.dispatchEvent({target: queue, type: "enqueue", item: type/*, even more key:value pairs */});
    onDequeue = function (type) {
      queue.dispatchEvent({target: queue, type: "dequeue", item: type/*, even more key:value pairs */});
    onEmpty = function () {
      queue.dispatchEvent({target: queue, type: "empty"/*, even more key:value pairs */});
//;, list);

  queue.enqueue = function (type) {
//  onEnqueue(type);
  queue.dequeue = function () {
    var type = list.shift();
    if (list.length <= 0) {
    return type;

var queue = new Queue;
console.log("queue", [queue, queue.toArray(), queue.toString(), queue.size()]);

console.log('queue.enqueue("hallo")', [queue.enqueue("hallo"), queue.toArray(), queue.toString(), queue.size()]);
console.log('queue.enqueue("world")', [queue.enqueue("world"), queue.toArray(), queue.toString(), queue.size()]);

console.log('queue.dequeue()', [queue.dequeue(), queue.toArray(), queue.toString(), queue.size()]);
console.log('queue.dequeue()', [queue.dequeue(), queue.toArray(), queue.toString(), queue.size()]);

Roles, Traits and Mixins in JS.


An implementation of a Role that does create mutable state on its own in order to solve its task(s) but does never rely on additionally injected state should be called Mixin.
Roles, Traits and Mixins in JS.


pattern example

var Mixin = (function () {

    AdditionalState = function () {
      // implementation of a custom state type [Mixin] relies on.
    behavior_02 = function () {
      // e.g. implementation of behavior.
      return "behavior_02";
  var Mixin = function () {
      compositeType = this,
      additionalState = new AdditionalState(compositeType) // (mutable) additional state.
    compositeType.behavior_01 = function () {
        implementation of behavior is allowed
        to mutate [additionalState].
    compositeType.behavior_02 = behavior_02;

  return Mixin;


// usage.
var obj = {
  // object description.
};; // [obj] now features additional behavior applied by [Mixin].

Roles, Traits and Mixins in JS.


example - Observable_SignalsAndSlots

var Observable_SignalsAndSlots = (function () {

  // the »Observable« Mixin Module.
  // ... implementation ...
    Event = function (target/*:[EventTarget(observable)]*/, type/*:[string|String]*/) {
      this.type      = type;    = target;
    EventListener = function (target/*:[EventTarget(observable)]*/, type/*:[string|String]*/, handler/*:[Function]*/) {
      var defaultEvent = new Event(target, type); // default [Event] object

      this.handleEvent = function (evt/*:[string|String|Event-like-Object]*/) { /*:void*/
        // ... implementation ...
    EventTargetMixin = function () {
      // [EventTargetMixin] will be exposed as »Observable« Mixin.
      var eventMap = {};

      this.addEventListener = function (type/*:[string|String]*/, handler/*:[Function]*/) { /*:[EventListener|undefined]*/
          event = eventMap[type],
          listener = new EventListener(this, type, handler)
        // ... implementation ...
      this.dispatchEvent = function (evt/*:[string|String|Event-like-Object]*/) { /*:[true|false]*/
        // ... implementation ...
  return EventTargetMixin;

Roles, Traits and Mixins in JS.

Privileged Mixin

An implementation of a Role that relies either on mutation of additionally injected state only or on both, creation of mutable state and additionally injected state, regardless if the latter then gets mutated or not, should be called Privileged Mixin.
Roles, Traits and Mixins in JS.

Privileged Mixin

pattern example

var PrivilegedMixin = (function () {

    AdditionalState = function () {
      // implementation of a custom state type [PrivilegedMixin] relies on.
    behavior_02 = function () {
      // e.g. implementation of behavior.
      return "behavior_02";
  var PrivilegedMixin = function (injectedState) {
      compositeType = this,

    //additionalState = new AdditionalState(compositeType)                // (mutable) additional state.
      additionalState = new AdditionalState(compositeType, injectedState) // (mutable) additional state.
    compositeType.behavior_01 = function () {
        - implementation of behavior is allowed to mutate [additionalState].
        - it is also allowed to manipulate [injectedState]
    compositeType.behavior_02 = behavior_02;

  return PrivilegedMixin;


// usage.
var obj = {
  // object description.
};, "injectedState"); // [obj] now features additional behavior applied by [PrivilegedMixin].


Trait and Mixin based Type/Object Composition in JS.

  • Traits applied within other Traits and/or Mixins.
  • Mixins applied within other Mixins and/or Traits.
  • Traits and/or Mixins applied within Constructors/Factories.
  • Traits and/or Mixins applied to any JavaScript object.

Trait and Mixin based Type/Object Composition in JS.

pattern example

var CompositeTypeFactory = (function () {

  var CompositeType = function (type_configuration) {
    var compositeType = this;
      - do implement something type specific
      - do something with e.g. [type_configuration]
    var locallyScopedTypeSpecificReference = [];

    PrivilegedTrait.apply(compositeType, locallyScopedTypeSpecificReference);
  CompositeType.prototype = {
      - if necessary do assign and/or describe
        the [CompositeType] constructor's prototype.
    - purely stateless trait implementations almost always
      should be exclusively applied to a constructors prototype.

    createType = function (arg_0/*[, arg_1[, arg_2[,...]]]*/) {
      return (new CompositeType({
          do something with [arguments] ...
          ... e.g. creating a type configuration.
    isType = function (type) {
      return (type instanceof CompositeType);

  return {
    create: createType,
    isType: isType


Trait and Mixin based Type/Object Composition in JS.

Resolving Composition Conflicts

Trait and Mixin implementations might resolve conflicts by making use of AOP inspired method modifiers.

  • Function.prototype.before
  • Function.prototype.after
  • Function.prototype.around

Thank You